How to Improve Your Marriage and Make it Last Forever

Even the happiest couples can slip into despair as mounting problems and distractions wear away at an otherwise successful marriage.  Don’t let your love diminish and your marriage fall by the wayside.  There are plenty of things you can do to fix it.

A lot of married couples don’t see trouble coming and find themselves in a difficult situation when their marriage no longer resembles what it did at the start.  Stressful jobs, problems between family and friends, verbal and physical abuse, troubled finances, infidelity, pornography addiction, drug and alcohol addiction, and even lifestyle changes can all drain the spice out of a good marriage.

The first thing to do is identify the problem or problems.  If you can’t admit to the problem, you may be contributing to it rather than helping.  Secondly, talk to your partner.  Just as it’s unfair for your spouse to hide things from you, it’s not fair for you to hide your feelings from them and expect them to change anything.  If you still love them, give them a chance to make things right.

If communicating directly with your spouse does no good, you may want to involve a councilor, but it’s best not to make this a family member or friend who is untrained in dealing with marriage problems.  This can make the situation much worse.  Sometimes, it is not practical to spend money for counseling, but you have to ask yourself how important a part of your life your spouse is.  If you want to make your marriage to last, you may have to make sacrifices in order to work things out.  A happy marriage is worth much more than any material thing you could ever possess anyway.

Once you’ve begun working on your problems, try to find some interests that you both share.  Try new activities and see if you can agree on something fun to do together.  If your interests don’t overlap in many areas, this is OK too.  Try to compromise and do things with them even if you don’t enjoy them.  On the flip side, they must participate in an equal number of things that you like to do.

Always listen to your partner.  Whether you agree with their ideas or not, actively listen to them and give them your honest opinion, but never say anything that you will regret later.  Give your marriage time to heal and continue to do things for each other.  Do some research and find helpful books or movies to enjoy together.

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